Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    I wouldn’t be where I am today without all of your support.

Why a Wave of Foreclosures Is Not on the Way

  • Why a Wave of Foreclosures Is Not on the Way

    With forbearance plans coming to an end, many are concerned the housing market will experience a wave of foreclosures similar to what happ...

Treat yourself to these Halloween safety tricks

  • Treat yourself to these Halloween safety tricks

    Help make this Halloween a fun and safe treat for everyone.

The Main Key To Understanding the Rise in Mortgage Rates

  • The Main Key To Understanding the Rise in Mortgage Rates

    Every Thursday, Freddie Mac releases the results of their Primary Mortgage Market Survey which reveals the most recent movement in the 30-...

U.S. home sales fall, house price inflation cooling

  • U.S. home sales fall, house price inflation cooling

    U.S. home sales fell in August as supply remained tight, but there are signs the surge in house prices and the COVID-19 pandemic-fueled de...

Is the Number of Homes for Sale Finally Growing?

  • Is the Number of Homes for Sale Finally Growing?

    An important metric in today’s residential real estate market is the number of homes available for sale.