Buy Now, or Wait?

  • Buy Now, or Wait?

    If you’re wondering if you should buy now or wait, here’s what you need to know.

Real Estate’s Slow Summer Will Give Buyers a Jump This Fall

  • Real Estate’s Slow Summer Will Give Buyers a Jump This Fall

    The fall season may offer a prime opportunity for buyers with less competition and the chance for better deals.

How the Federal Reserve’s Next Move Could Impact the Housing Market

  • How the Federal Reserve’s Next Move Could Impact the Housing Market

    Experts expect the Fed to cut rates soon. How might this affect the housing market?

Big Changes for Buyers

  • Big Changes for Buyers

    Buyer Broker agreements are being mandated as of next month and it can mean big changes for how buyers budget to buy homes.

Will Home Prices Start to Come Down?

  • Will Home Prices Start to Come Down?

    Today’s headlines and news stories about home prices are confusing. But, what do the facts say? Read more here.

How Much Is My House Worth?

  • How Much Is My House Worth?

    Determining the true value of your home can be misunderstood. Many homeowners think it's fixed based on purchase price & other factors...